-* ORDER FORM FOR PRO CARD GAMES FROM DREAMQUEST SOFTWARE *- Please fill in. Type or write *CLEARLY* to prevent delays! Name to register: ___________________________________________ Daytime phone (in case of problem): _________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________ City, State, ZIP, Country: __________________________________ Email (PRINT carefully): ____________________________________ (We never sell your private info, see www.dq.com/privacy.html) Circle system: Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT Win2k WinXP MacOS OR mobile: PalmOS PocketPC Nokia80 Nokia60 Sony P800 CHOOSE GAME(S): Hearts Spades Euchre 500 Cribbage Gin Rummy Blackjack Other: _________ ____ Six-game bundle (save $75, choose 3, get 3 free) $69.99 ____ Three each for both Mobile & PC (save $75, pick 3) $69.99 ____ 3-for-2 bundle (save $25, choose 3, only pay for 2)$49.99 ____ Single game registration (circle choice above) $24.99 ____ Student, senior, military (circle above + copy ID) $19.99 ____ Additional game or license (I already own _______) $19.99 ____ Optional Game Software CD ($4 CD + $5 shipping) + $9.99 (NOTE: CD contains all games, licenses sold seperately) Mail your payment, this form, copy of ID (for discount) to: DreamQuest Software, 542 W Linden St, Louisville CO 80027 USA * OR * Order online FAST and secure: http://dq.com/order.html * OR * Fax to 719-623-0399 with credit card # and exp date * OR * Email order.txt file w/credit card info to sales@dq.com * OR * Call 1-800-242-4775 or 1-303-665-0614 to phone order ******************************************************* v5.24 HOW LONG? Codes are emailed within 24 hours of receipt. For postal mail, allow 2-3 weeks roundtrip. For order status, email support@dq.com or call DreamQuest at 1-303-665-0614. PAYMENT MUST BE IN US$ and either drawn on a US bank or an international postal order (easiest) in US$. No Canadian $.